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 "@type": "Organization",
 "name": "Sahand Khabar News Agency",
 "legalName": "Sahand Khabar News Agency",
 "description": "Since 2020, Sahand Khabar has been working in the field of daily news of Iran and the world. This site publishes daily news in Persian, English and Arabic.",
 "logo": "https://sahandkhabar.ir/assets/img/pwa/144x144.png",
 "url": "https://www.sahandkhabar.ir",
 "foundingDate": "2003",
 "telephone": "+982177247147",
 "sameAs": ["https://twitter.com/sahandkhabar",
 "address": {
 "@type": "PostalAddress",
 "streetAddress": "No29, Farjam Street Street, Resalat Square",
 "addressLocality": "Tehran",
 "postalCode": "16985-63210",
 "addressCountry": "Iran"

برچسب: سم زدایی

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